Here are 190 BDSM punishments you can use for nearly every dominant/submissive situation.
Whether you are a hardcore Dom with several slaves or you simply role-play with your partner, I’ve laid out dozens of punishments for your Submissive.
If you prefer to watch this instead of reading it. Check our Youtube video here.
Rules and Safety in BDSM Punishment
Before implementing any type of BDSM punishment, remember the rules and safety that go hand-in-hand in a dominant/submissive relationship.
1. Discuss Activities and Punishments
Entering into any type of BDSM relationship requires you to discuss activities and punishments. First, you must discuss how far you are willing to go. That includes sex (or no sex), the types of activities in which you’re willing to participate and punishments you’re willing (or not) to do. Then, move on to the next and most important step; the safe word.
2. Safe Words and BDSM
Having safe words during consensual BDSM play is crucial. Many times, a willing participant may not be prepared for what they previously consented to. In that case, a safe word is used to stop the activity immediately. Additionally, a safe word is important if you are feeling any unusual pain or discomfort. Finally, the safe word is just as important for the Dom to respect as it is for the Sub to use to stop any activity.
3. Safe, Sane and Consensual
SSC, or safe, sane and consensual, represents the safety of BDSM activities as well as being mentally able to consent to those activities. If at any time you feel your Dom or Submissive are not mentally capable of accepting this type of play, it’s time to stop it immediately. Furthermore, BDSM play, including submissive punishments, should be done safely.
Finally, consent is key to any sexual and non-sexual act. Sure, you may have gained your Submissive’s consent in the beginning. However, they are allowed to change their mind at any time, regardless of the activity taking place and their prior consent.
4. Risk Aware Consensual Kink
RACK, or risk-aware consensual kink, illustrates that kinky activities are inherently risky, which means they usually aren’t entirely safe. Therefore, you must be aware of those risks to consent to said kinky activities. So, before consenting to anything, be sure you know all about BDSM play as well as discussing everything with your partner or Dom beforehand.
And remember, this risk doesn’t simply include physical hazards. It includes emotional, mental and of course, risks of raising eyebrows and possible police involvement when implementing any punishments in a public space. In that case, it’s best to stick to familiar establishments that embrace the lifestyle.
Now that the important aspects are out of the way, and hopefully noted, let’s get to the list of BDSM punishment ideas!
Age Play Submissive Punishments

These submissive punishments are catered toward age play and Littles of various ages. Although, they may cross over into other BDSM areas, depending on what your kink relationship is.
1.Take away a favorite toy.
2. No bedtime story.
3. Baby/Princess/Little Man cannot touch themselves.
4. Cancel a looked-forward-to outing.
5. No Daddy or Mommy cuddles.
6. Take away the pacifier or bottle.
7. No video game time.
8. Little cannot sleep with any plushies.
9. Remove a favorite blankie.
10. Make the baby diaper themselves.
11. No sweet treats!
12. Send your Little to bed early.
13. Make your Little stand in the corner.
14. Sit them in a time-out chair.
15. Give them a scolding, expressing your disappointment.
16. No coloring for a week!
17. An over-the-knee spanking (as long as it’s not something they enjoy).
Denial Submissive Punishments
The following denial-type, submissive punishment ideas are catered toward adult BDSM relationships but can be modified accordingly.
18. Take away their beloved collar.
19. Withhold the spankings they look forward to.
20. Make them watch you pleasure yourself. No touching!
21. Send them to bed without dinner.
22. Forbid any contact. That includes seeing you, texting, calls and emails.
23. Have them fast for an entire day. (*Only if they don’t have any conditions that make it unsafe, like diabetes).
24. Don’t allow them to sleep for a night. Strict punishments for nodding off. (Be safe!)
25. Revoke their phone privileges for a set amount of time.
26. Take away computer privileges.
27. Completely ignore their presence.
28. While withholding sex, make them prepare you for another slave, then watch.
29. Don’t allow them to sleep with you.
Painful BDSM Punishments

Pain is a part of some BDSM play, depending on the desires of the Submissive. Therefore, only use these painful BDSM punishment ideas in those situations and with your Submissive’s express consent.
30. Force them to kneel on something small and painful, like rice.
31. Flogging with a homemade flogger or a BDSM flogger you purchased specifically for them.
32. Spanking with your hand, strap, belt or paddle.
33. Make them wear nipple clamps for the day.
34. Use some hot wax on them.
35. Ice down their private parts. (Use caution as not to cause injury to sensitive areas).
36. Make them wear an electro-stimulation device of your choice.
37. Place a sounding rod in their urethra.
38. Ride them like a pony, using a riding crop.
39. Place minty toothpaste on their genitals.
40. Slap them. (Remember: RACK, SSC and safe words!)
41. Choke them. (Same as above).
42. Nothing but cold showers for a week.
43. Wax their body hair. Pull slowly.
44. Pinch their scrotum/labia/nipples.
45. Use a ball stretcher.
46. Ice dildo in the vagina, anus, clit, balls, mouth.
47. Make them walk on Legos or….
48. Uncooked pasta or
49. Rocks or pebbles or
50. Sea shells or
51. Hot concrete (Be careful and do it for short periods.) or
52. Egg shells
53. Figging – shaping a piece of ginger root into a butt plug. (It’s body safe, natural, but is extremely uncomfortable).
54. Have them wear a Yoni egg all day, without dropping it.
55. Clip clothes pins to strategic parts of their body.
56. Allow them to eat nothing but spicy foods for a determined amount of time.
57. Make them hold a spice on their tongue, like, black pepper, red pepper flakes, salt, etc.
58. Stuff every hole they have with a gag, dildo, butt plug.
59. Foot whipping.
60. Caning.
61. A dab of Icy Hot to the genitals.
62. Ice baths.
BDSM Punishments with Bondage

Now, let’s take a look at some BDSM punishment ideas using bondage. Again, be sure and listen for that safe word!
63. Tie them to the bed. Leave them there without your company.
64. Shackle them to a piece of furniture like a desk or
65. A dining table or
66. The refrigerator handle or
67. The wheel of your car (in the garage) or
68. The leg of your sofa or
69. A chair in the living room or
70. Try shackling them to the toilet.
71. Tie them up and make them kneel.
72. Tape them up with bondage tape. Remove it later, slowly.
73. Leave them hog-tied.
74. Cage them for the day.
75. Punish her with breast bondage.
76. Make them wear a collar with restraints attached.
77. Tie them up and leave – with their least favorite music or TV program playing.
78. Hush them with a ball gag or
79. A penis gag or
80. Shut their disrespectful mouth with a bar of soap.
81. Tie them up, make them stand in front of a window, naked.
82. Tie them down, spread eagle. Tickle them.
Mental BDSM Punishments

These BDSM punishment ideas involve the physical. At the same time, they involve a mental aspect that makes for interesting Submissive punishments.
83. Place them in a position and make them hold it, without moving at all.
84. Misbehaving Sub? Assign an essay on how breaking said rule is wrong.
85. Cuckolding: Make them watch, text photos, videos.
86. Force them to hold their urine, giving them plenty to drink.
87. Sensory deprivation using ear plugs or
88. Noise cancelling headphones or
89. A Blindfold or
90. Place them in a small, dark closet or
91. Do it all: Cover their eyes and ears, use a soft gag and place them in a small, dark room.
92. Make them read something they hate and then, submit a book report.
93. Force them to write an apology letter for breaking a rule.
94. Give them a verbal lecture – emphasis on your disappointment.
95. Make them call another Dom or Mistress to set the punishment.
96. Place them in your desired sexual position – all day – use them as you please.
97. Change their name to something degrading – use it in public too.
98. Withhold any and all praise.
Restriction Punishments for Your Submissive
Similar to denial punishments, restrictions are also great BDSM punishment ideas.
99. Sub is forbidden to eat their favorite foods.
100. No using any furniture, including the bed.
101. Do not give your Sub any eye contact whatsoever.
102. Don’t allow them to touch you, under any circumstances.
103. Make them kneel at your feet, every time you sit, including toileting.
104. Make them crawl on all fours.
105. Place your Sub in a collar and leash. No moving unless someone is controlling the leash.
106. Revoke their right to speak in your presence – at all – for days, even weeks.
107. Do not allow them to pleasure you. Tease by bringing your genitals inches from their hands, mouths, bodies.
108. Revoke toilet privileges. Insist they use a cat box or wee pads.
Orgasm Control Punishments

Orgasm control punishments work only if you and your partner include sex in your BDSM play. If that’s not your thing, you can skip ahead. Or, this may intrigue you enough to widen those BDSM parameters.
109. Forbid them from touching themselves.
110. Place them in a chastity cage.
111. Lock them in chastity for a set duration. You keep the key.
112. Allow them to orgasm, but only in your presence.
113. Have them masturbate over video messenger. Make them stop, come to you, then finish.
114. Use edging. Withhold orgasm.
115. Force orgasms until they can’t go any longer.
116. Tease them all day using an app-controlled sex toy. Refuse to let them orgasm.
117. Tie them down. Tease them all day, with no relief.
118. Ruin their orgasm – bring them to orgasm and stop what you’re doing immediately.
119. Instruct them, step-by-step, through masturbation and orgasm.
120. Allow them to spoon you, naked, wearing a chastity cage.
121. Give them oral stimulation, while in chastity.
122. Force them to use/ride a sex machine until they collapse.

Public Humiliation BDSM Punishments
These BDSM punishment ideas are to be carried out in a public place. Therefore, you must use caution and discretion as not to bring too much attention to yourself and your Sub.
123. Make them wear a sign stating their rule infraction and punishment.
124. Force them to give you a public apology. On their knees.
125. Go out for the day, while they wear a remote-controlled electro-stimulation device.
126. No underwear in public and at work.
127. Public (or semi-public) masturbation.
128. Have them announce that they are horny.
129. Instruct them to publicly announce that they cannot sexually satisfy you.
130. Make them dress horribly or in the clothing of the opposite gender.
131. Create a t-shirt reading “slut” or “cum dumpster”. Make them wear it.
132. Have her run your errands wearing app controlled vibrating panties.
133. Do the same but with a vibrating butt plug.
134. Make them wait in the car, with the window cracked, while you dine.
135. Have them wear a costume.
136. Send them out for the day wearing nothing but a trench coat.
137. Wet the front of their pants. Berate them for their “accident”.
138. Spank them. Take them to the beach, red-assed.
139. Take them to a nude beach or naturalist community – only if they hate being nude in public.
Submissive Punishments: General Humiliation

These submissive punishment ideas involve general humiliation. Yes, some can be incorporated into a public space. However, they are best saved for a swinger or BDSM club. That way, other Doms can join in on the humiliation.
140. Make your Sub eat every meal on the floor, from a pet dish.
141. Be sure your Sub drinks from a pet bowl too.
142. Force them to wear cum-soaked underwear all day.
143. Turn them into human furniture.
144. Have them lick your shoes clean.
145. Then, make them clean your feet and toes with their tongue.
146. Write insults and names on their body with a marker.
147. Full-on doggy living – collar, leash, bowls, wee pads, crate training, barking only.
148. Give them a golden shower.
149. Cover them in humiliating temporary tattoos or use tattoo markers to create your own.
150. Make them the recipient of a Dom gang-bang.
151. Place them in a diaper for the day.
152. Make them use a pacifier, at home and in public.
153. Force them to be your naked servant for the day.
154. Make them do housework wearing a liberally-lubed butt plug or Ben Wa balls.
155. Spit in their face.
156. Require the bathroom door to be open whenever they use it.
157. Make them pleasure you without using their hands or mouth.
158. Make her hold water in her vagina for 10 minutes.
159. Make him hold a towel with his erect cock.
160. Use only dog commands – sit, stay, lie down, etc.
161. After chastity, make then lick up their first orgasm.
162. Force them to give you a rim job – several times that day and night.
163. Make then eat dog or cat food (the type that’s safe for human consumption.)
164. Have them bathe, dry and groom you.
BDSM Punishments: Tedious Tasks
These BDSM punishment ideas are strictly tedious tasks. These mind-numbing tasks aren’t just boring, but consume a great bit of time.
165. Make them hold a ping pong ball against the wall with their nose.
166. Have them hold 20 coins, 1 under each finger, against the wall.
167. Force them to stand with stacks of books on top their head.
168. Instruct them to do household chores they hate.
169. Bind parts of their body while they do those chores.
170. Have them clean the bathroom floor with a toothbrush.
171. Or, have them clean your car with a cotton swab.
172. Make them write the rule they broke, on paper, 100, 500 or 1,000 times.
173. Have them cover a pin hole in a water balloon, using only 1 finger.
174. Record them having an orgasm. Make it their ringtone for you. Call them all day.
175. Make them count jars and bottles of coins.
176. Have them move grains of rice, from 1 bowl to another, using chopsticks.
177. Make them count each grain of rice.
178. Have them organize your pantry – in alphabetical order.
179. Turn up the AC, have them stand in 1 spot, naked.
180. Require them to send you a nude selfie, every morning, at 5:00 am.
181. Give them a magazine or newspaper. Make them fill in every O with ink.
182. Make them wash every piece of clothing you own.
183. Send them out to trim the lawn, with scissors, to approximately 5 inches.
184. Your personal comfort – they are to warm you when cold and cool you when hot.
185. Sentence them to cock-warming for an hour – using any part of their body.
186. Make them count every item in your home.
187. Have them create an apology letter using only cut-out letters from magazines.
188. Make them vacuum your entire home, using a small, hand vacuum.
189. Force them to iron every piece of clothing in your drawers – socks, underwear, pajamas.
190. Have them separate all of your clothing by color.