Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar w. Cuffs Review

Jason Manning
by Jason ManningUpdated:

Overall RatingBedbible Rating

Overall Rating


Bedbible Rating:


Reviewed by: 

Jason Manning

User Ratings:


Based on 51 user reviews


Rating: Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs was rated 90 out of 100, which means it is designed absolutely incredible.

What it is: The design rating takes into account the shape of the toy in both a visual and ergonomic perspective. We ask our reviewers to rate the overall feeling of the Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs.

Ease of UseEase of Use

Rating: Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs was rated 80 out of 100, which means it is very easy to figure out and use.

What it is: The Ease of Use rating is a score given on how easy the toy is to operate and use. Aspects that are considered is the suitability for different kinds of people, intuitiveness, and potential learning curve of using the product for pleasure (or pain).


Rating: Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs was rated 90 out of 100, which means it is one of the absolute top quality toys.

What it is: The Quality rating is a score that takes into account the quality of the materials used in the toy, how well it was manufactured, the safety, durability and overall quality feel of the toy.


Price ratingPrice ratingPrice ratingPrice ratingPrice rating

Rating: Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs was rated 2 out of 5, which means it is moderately priced, neither expensive nor cheap.

What it is: The Price rating is indicated by 1-5 price icons. 1 indicate a very cheap product, while 5 indicate a very expensive product. The rating is a relative score compared to other similar toys.


Beginner: Suited for those new to the world of sex toys. These products are designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind, providing a gentle introduction to enhance your experiences. Whether you're exploring for the first time or looking for something straightforward, these items are a perfect starting point.


Intermediate: Tailored for individuals who have some familiarity with sex toys and are looking to explore further. These products offer a balance between comfort and new sensations, allowing you to expand your horizons and discover new pleasures. Ideal for those ready to take the next step in their journey.


Advanced: Designed for the experienced and adventurous. These products cater to those who are well-acquainted with sex toys and are seeking more intense or diverse sensations. If you're looking to push boundaries and explore the depths of pleasure, these items are crafted just for you.

My Verdict

Lets spread the love...... and some legs! The Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs is quite the hit in my household, surprisingly so. My wife and I have dabbled in light bondage before, the beginner variety of some handcuffs, blindfolds, a little rope - we felt that we were ready to move on to some more advanced bondage devices so when the opportunity to try the Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs was presented we knew it was too good to pass up. Let's dive into this review and spread the good word about this amazing spreader bar from Bondage Boutique.

Buy, if you...

  1. Are interested in taking some intermediate steps into the world of bondage
  2. Know that you enjoy being immobilized or put into compromising positions
  3. If you like putting yourself at the mercy of your partner
  4. If you're looking for a device that can help you achieve interesting new positions

Don't buy, if you...

  1. If you don't like being immobilized
  2. Have trust issues with your partner
  3. Want to avoid feelings of hopelessness when you realize you've been caught and locked up
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About The Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs

The description is in the name! The Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs - what you see with this product is what you get. The spreader bar is made of metal and comes in 3 pieces. One central bar approximately 15 inches long with holes approximately every 2 inches and 2 outer bars with leather cuffs on swivels at the end of the bar which measure in at approximately 18 inches. When putting the spreader bar together the 2 bars with cuffs slide over the central bar and when you determine the appropriate length for your session you lock everything together with the included ball lock pins sliding through the holes. The fur padded leather cuffs go around your arms or ankles and are adjustable to the desired level of tightness. Once you've got the cuffs in position you put the provided "lock" through the notch and secure them in place. I use the term "lock" loosely because to our surprise the locks don't actually lock, there's no key or keyhole for them, they're just there to stop the cuff from coming undone and don't actually prevent the lockee from removing them since they don't contain a keyed locking mechanism.


  • Excellent quality for its price point
  • Comfortable
  • Great product to take a more advanced step into the world of bondage


  • Difficult to assemble or adjust length in low light environments
  • Ball lock pins can be finicky for some users, attached split ring on pin can catch on fabric or lingerie
  • Locks are not actually locks and are prone to opening and even coming off during rough usage

Personal Experience

My Personal Experiences with Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs

Great First Impressions

I chuckled to myself when opening the box from Bondage Boutique and taking out the spreader bar for the first time. I knew just from the initial weight and feel of the package that we were going to have a fun time with it, and I was not disappointed. I was immediately pleased with the quality of the bars, they were much stronger, and I believe more durable, than what I had been expecting. The leather cuffs were nice and soft and supple with a faux fur lining that again I wasn’t expecting. I was expecting the leather to be a bit thicker, but upon usage and hindsight the thin leather does the job perfectly and for our purposes is just as inescapable as a thicker leather cuff would have been.

Getting Set Up

My wife had previously agreed to help me test this product and I was girding myself for some hesitation on her part when she actually saw the bar and was about to get strapped in, however when she set eyes on it I could see the mischievous glint in her eyes that was quickly followed up by her request that we get the kids to bed on time so that we could “test” the Spreader Bar. When night rolled around we forced ourselves to buckle down and get to work! We decided to use the bar at it’s 24″ setting for our first trial. Getting the pins lined up and inserted into the holes once we determined the length we wanted took a few tries, we had a slight bit of difficulty getting everything lined up just right under low light conditions and resorted to turning the lights up so we could better see what we were doing. I’d definitely advise getting the bar adjusted under decent lighting conditions and not trying to adjust it right before or even during play.

In Use

Once we had the length dialed in we put my wife’s feet in the cuffs, her comment being “this is a lot more comfortable than I expected”. I secured the cuffs with the included “locks” and we were off to the races. I don’t think I need to go into all the details, but we ran the bar through a large variety of positions and were pleased with the solid construction and comfort it offered. It did exactly what you would expect a toy called a “Spreader Bar” to do – it kept my wife’s legs spread open. What caught us both by surprise was that the bar was a wonderful tool to help support our play. My wife didn’t have to strain her legs to hold certain positions since the bar could support her legs, I was also able to hold the bar in various suspended positions and this allowed me to support my wife and let her enjoy the sensations more instead of focusing on holding her legs in whichever random position we wanted.

Some Minor Flaws

During our various acrobatics and energetic movements one thing we noticed was the jangling of the rings attached to the ball lock pins. This was slightly distracting for our first time using it and my wife was a little annoyed when at one point a ring caught on some of her lingerie, but again this was most likely due to us being new users and not knowing the best practices and what to do and not do with the bar. We also somehow managed to jar one of the “locks” loose during our play and had to pause to resecure an errant leg. Again, these were small things and did not detract from the fun we had playing with the Bondage Boutique Spreader Bar. Overall we were highly satisfied with the Spreader Bar and are already incorporating it further into our play.


Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs Design

The Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs both looks good and feels good. It's one of those products where you can pick it up and just tell that it's going to work well. The leather used for the cuffs is nice and soft and supple, they move and secure easily. The cuffs are only able to rotate on one plane of movement aligned with the bar, they do not have a ball swivel capability. The fur lining of the cuffs was a nice surprise, one that my wife was very appreciative of, the soft lining came in very handy when our use of the bar became a bit more energetic and acrobatic. Two things to note which could be changed in future designs: 1) The ball lock pins come with an attached split ring through the end of the pin. This allowed for easy removal of the pins in order to adjust the bar or disassemble it for storage. However we found that with overly engaging use of the bar the O-ring / split ring at the end became a bit distracting as they jangled around, at one point part of the split ring caught on a bit of frilly lingerie and pulled a thread, again a bit distracting. I hesitate to call this an issue because it is easily remedied either on the users own end or the manufacturers end by taking the pull ring off and replacing it with either a zipper pull style catch or some other low profile pull method. I do believe the ball lock pins need some sort of pull on them, especially if you're going to be engaging with them with either sweaty or lube covered hands. 2) Again, not an issue, merely an observation and something easily changed. The "locks" included with the spreader bar are not actual locks. They have the shape of a lock, but they are spring loaded and open just from putting pressure on them. Under heavy use one of the "locks" became disengaged for us and fell off mid session allowing the cuff to open and we had to reset it. We've used it again with no issues from the "lock" but if they disengage on us again we'll probably just pick up some small hobby style locks and use those to secure the cuffs.

Ease of Use

Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs Ease of Use

The Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs was very easy to assemble and use. The included ball lock pins were a bit stiff and took some extra prompting (a good thorough push!) to get them seated correctly. However after a bit of foreplay of pushing them in and pulling them out a few times the ball lock mechanism loosened up a bit and it became easier. If you're locking up your partner with this, then it's very easy to use, if for some reason you're locking yourself up I believe it would be a bit more difficult getting yourself secured.


Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs Quality

The Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs is a very well put together product. As soon as I opened the box and took it out I was surprised that it had more weight to it than I had expected. Given the price point I was expecting to get something that would have been of a low grade aluminum, akin to tent poles, that would crumple under even some light use. I was shocked, in a very good way, that the Bondage Boutiques Spreader Bar was of a much higher quality. My guess is that the main bar itself is aluminum since I'm unable to stick a magnet to it, however the swivel joints at the end of the main bar which attach to the leather cuffs do appear to be made of iron/steel since my magnet did stick to them. Makes sense that they use a stronger and more durable material at the joint which will most likely be experiencing the greatest strain. Not to knock the metal that the rest of the spreader bar is made from, because it's very sturdy and was thicker than I had anticipated. The leather that the cuffs are made from is thin and flexible, but definitely strong enough to keep someone secured even if your play involves a "bit of struggle". We weren't expecting that the cuffs would be lined with a comfortable fur and that was a nice surprise. The quality of this product is such that I expect this toy to be in our collection for years if not decades to come.


Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs Price

This spreader bar is absolutely worth the price! I'd again like to emphasize the quality of the product, the durability and the ease of use - Bondage Boutique could absolutely have priced this a good $40-$50 higher and I would still consider it a good deal. I've seen a number of other bondage toys at various adult stores that go for significantly more and are of comparable or lesser quality. I do wish that they included a bag with the product, but they offer one as a suggested accompanying purchase on the website for only $6. The price of this product puts it directly in the path of those who are on the newer or more exploratory side of the BDSM world. Anyone who does a bit of additional research can quickly see that the sky is the limit when it comes to what you can pay for products like these, the spreader bar from Bondage Boutique gives you a taste of the world you might want to enter and is a great entry point to familiarize yourself with BDSM play before deciding to break the bank on more exotic or bespoke products.


Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs Performance

The Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs lived up to all of the expectations we had for it and then some. I only tried the item with the help of my wife, but if anyone wished it could at least be used solo on your legs. I don't think a person would be able to attach it to both of their own wrists unless they came up with some very creative method which I personally can't think of. Both my wife and I were pleased with the feel of the leather cuffs, a nice soft and supple leather with an inner lining of a comfortable faux fur. We discovered during our play that the bar was excellent for more than just subduing and immobilizing a partner - it made for a wonderful point to grip and manipulate. My wife and I were able to try a number of interesting new positions for longer than expected since I was able to hold the bar and support and move her legs in ways we hadn't expected. My wife definitely wanted me to emphasize that it made things a bit easier and more enjoyable for her since she didn't have to focus on keeping her legs held in certain positions, I was just able to pick up and hold the bar to keep her positioned.


Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs Packaging

The Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs came packaged as expected these days. The attached picture sums it up, everything was wrapped in light protective padding, the shiny parts had a pull away protective film on them and the whole setup came in a heavy duty sealed plastic bag. As per my earlier review, I do appreciate more environmentally friendly packing methods, so I approve when the packing is kept simple and effective - I'm not buying an iphone, I don't need expensive heavy duty packaging that I'm simply going to throw away adding to the cost of the item. Our Spreader Bar didn't come with any instructions on how to assemble it or how to care for it, but we assumed this was on purpose since everything seemed pretty self explanatory. I wasn't able to find any care or assembly instructions on the website for this product either. If they included a short faq or paragraph to address some common concerns that would be appreciated.

Materials and care

Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs Materials and care

The Bondage Boutique Speader Bar with Leather Cuffs was heavier than expected, in a good way. I believe after some testing with a magnet that the bars are mostly coated aluminum with the use of some steel at the swivel joints. The leather of the cuffs is thin and supple, yet strong. The cuffs are also lined with a faux fur that seems able to stand up to our initial heavy usage. Unfortunately the bar didn't come with any care instructions and nothing was available on the website. Users will have to do their own research on what they believe is the best way to care and maintain this product. For me personally I plan on wiping it down with a damp towel and then drying it when needed. I'm uncertain on how I'd clean the faux fur that lines the leather cuffs when it inevitably ends up getting lube all over it at some point - but that's what we have that wonderful resource, the internet for!

Specifications and features

Length24-36 inches
MaterialsMetal / Leather / Faux Fur 
Weight~2 lbs. lbs
Storage Bag IncludedNo 
FasteningSafety locks 

Comparing Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs with alternatives

Compare Bondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather CuffsBondage Boutique Expandable Spreader Bar with Leather Cuffs
Overall score4.8 / 5.0 4.3 / 5.0 4.9 / 5.0 4.8 / 5.0
Bedbible rating5.0 / 5.0 4.0 / 5.0 4.8 / 5.0 4.8 / 5.0
User rating4.5 / 5.0
from 51 users
4.5 / 5.0
from 6 users
5 / 5.0
from 3 users
4.8 / 5.0
from 5 users
PriceAffordable Affordable Affordable Pricey
Design90 / 100 90 / 100 90 / 100 100 / 100
Ease of use80 / 100 100 / 100 100 / 100 95 / 100
Quality90 / 100 80 / 100 90 / 100 85 / 100
Length24-36 inchesStraps: up to 48 inches, Thigh Cuffs: up to 32 inchesBar: 24.75, Cuffs: inches20 inches
MaterialsMetal / Leather / Faux Fur PU Vegan Leather, Nylon Stainless Steel, Nickel-Free Metal, Polyurethane Foam Faux Leather
WaterproofNo Yes -Yes
Weight~2 lbs. lbs---
Storage Bag IncludedNo Yes -Yes
FasteningSafety locks -Buckle -
Colors Available-Black & Red -Black
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Jason Manning
Jason Manning

Hi, I’m Jason.  I’m a married father of two.  I enjoy being a dad and a “daddy”.  In the public eye I live in the professional world of pressure, deadlines and profit margins – a stressful life for an innocent vanilla businessman.  When I’m out of the public eye my wife and I are swingers who have been exploring and expanding our sexual boundaries for the past decade.  A good amount of our exploration has involved trying an ever-growing range of sex toys.  What started as experimentation with a simple vibrator has evolved into enjoyment of an increasing range of giant fantasy toys, ball gags, plugs, chastity cages and more!  I’d love to help remove the stigma which surrounds the enjoyment of sex toys and all the pleasure they can bring.  I hope to provide thorough and comprehensive reviews that can guide everyone to the toy that’s just right for them.

Age: 44
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Sex toy experience: Advanced
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