Why Do Men Watch Porn [+Viewer Statistics]

Ever wondered how many men watch porn? In today’s digital world, porn is just a click away, making it a hot topic of discussion.

This article breaks down the reasons why men turn to porn and gives you clear statistics on its viewership.

Dive in as we explore the world of online adult content and the men who watch it. Here’s what we’ll cover:

Key Findings

How Many Men Watch Porn?

  • 83% of men have watched porn throughout their lifetime.
  • 45% of men have watched porn in the last month.
  • 13 years and 8 months is the average age that men/boys first see porn.
  • Men are 4 times more likely to watch porn compared to women (44% vs. 11%).
  • The 30-40 years old men see most porn. 57% of them have watched porn in the last month. 42% of this age group have watched it in the last week.
  • 6 out of 10 men that have watched porn in the last 24 hours have felt lonely in the past week.
  • 7 out of 10 men that have watched porn in the last 24 hours have felt unhappy in the past week.
  • 3 out of 10 men that have watched porn the in the last 24 hours are very satisfied with their sex lives (Meaning: Men who have a lower sexual satisfaction correlate with more frequent porn use)

Why Do Men Watch Porn?

  • Top 10 reasons for why men watch porn:
    1. Sexual Gratification: The physical pleasure and emotional excitement from the sexual arousal triggered by erotic imagery.
    2. Fulfilling Unexpressed Desires: Exploring and fulfilling sexual fantasies that they might not feel comfortable sharing with their partners.
    3. Lack of Unexpressed desires: Misconceptions about sex and relationships due to inadequate or poor sexual education.
    4. The illusion of control: Ability to control what they see and experience, akin to lucid dreaming.
    5. Avoiding Relationship Responsibilities and unsatisfying sex life: Enjoyment of sexual excitement without the responsibility of a relationship.
    6. Perceived Masculinity: Social pressure suggesting that “real men” watch pornography, leading to its use as a measure of manliness.
    7. Male Bonding: In some social circles, discussing and sharing pornography becomes a way of bonding with peers.
    8. The Thrill of Secrecy: 76% of male respondents cited anonymity as a reason for their consumption.
    9. Biology: Studies have demonstrated a positive correlation between testosterone levels and the consumption of pornography among men.
    10. Addiction: 10% of men struggle with porn addiction. Solution: Couples need to communicate openly about their views on pornography, understanding each other’s beliefs and attitudes, to ensure it doesn’t become a source of conflict.

Didn’t find the stats you looked for?

How many men watch pornography?

  • 83% of men have viewed pornography at least one time in their life.
  • Increased internet access has increased the number of adolescent and adult men who view online pornography.
  • 60% of men who watched pornography say they feel lonely or isolated at least once in the past week.
  • In the past month, 45% of men have viewed pornography.
  • 70% of men who viewed porn in the past 24 hours reported feeling unhappy in the previous week.
  • Only 30% of men who viewed porn in the last 24 hours express high satisfaction with their sex lives, suggesting a correlation between frequent porn use and lower sexual satisfaction.
  • Men who watch pornography regularly are also more likely to report they frequently feel insecure.
  • How often do males watch porn:
    • 39% said 3+ times per week.
    • 29% said 1-2 times per week.
    • 17% said 1-2 times per month.
    • 15% said less than once per month.
Number of men that watches porn (2000 - 2030)

Sources: Jamanetwork, Tandfonline, ResearchGate

Age differences

  • The average age of first exposure to pornography is just over 13 years old for men (13.37 to be exact). This means that most boys are first exposed to porn at an age when they are not yet sexually active, and their understanding of sex and sexuality is still developing.
  • Boys are significantly more likely to view porn than girls. Around 94% of boys have seen porn by age 14, compared to 62% of girls.
  • 90% of American men in their late teens to early 20s watch porn and perceive it as a socially accepted behavior.
  • From the below table, it’s evident that the age group 30-49 has the highest percentage of individuals who have seen porn in the past month at 57%. In contrast, the age group 65 and older has the highest percentage of individuals who have never seen porn at 31%.
AgePast MonthPast YearMore Than a Year AgoNever
18 – 2944%13%18%25%
30 – 4957%13%16%12%
50 – 6444%19%19%18%
65 and older26%17%25%31%

Sources: Springer, Cambridge University

Gender differences

Men are more likely to watch porn than women. Here’s what we know:

  • Men are four times more likely than women to watch porn (44% of men reported watching porn in the last week, compared to just 11% of women).
  • The gap in porn usage between men and women has been relatively stable over time, despite changes in societal attitudes towards pornography and increased access to pornographic material online.
Men watch porn 4x more than women

Source: Springer

Why do men watch pornography?

In today’s digital age, the consumption of pornography has become a widespread phenomenon, with men being a significant demographic. But what drives men towards this virtual realm of sexual fantasies? The reasons are manifold, ranging from biological triggers to emotional escapism, societal pressures, and the allure of the digital world’s convenience. This analysis delves deep into the myriad factors that influence why men watch pornography, shedding light on the intricate interplay of hormones, emotions, societal norms, and the ever-evolving world of technology. By understanding these motivations, we can gain a clearer insight into the male psyche and the complex relationship they share with the world of adult entertainment.

1. Biological reasons

One of the primary reasons men watch porn is rooted in biology. Men produce more testosterone, which is directly linked to sexual desire. This demonstrates a positive correlation between testosterone levels and the consumption of pornography among men. Men with higher levels of testosterone on average watched more porn. Therefore testosterone levels could be a reason for why men watch porn.

2. Stress relief and escapism

Beyond the biological triggers and desire for a diverse range of sexual experiences, emotional and psychological elements often drive men toward pornography.

It can act as an escape mechanism, offering an alternate reality that is predictable and controllable, allowing men to distance themselves from the stresses and uncertainties of real life. Men often use porn as a stress reliever or a form of escapism. 72% of men reported using porn to distract themselves from daily stressors. While this is mainly linked with the act of masturbation and ejaculation relief, it is interlinked with watching porn.

3. The desire for variety

Pornography provides an array of fantasies, scenarios, and partners. This caters to the male desire for sexual variety. Men watch porn for the novelty factor and the opportunity to explore different sexual preferences safely and privately. It can be discussed whether there is a gender-based bias towards men wanting variety, as arguments typically are rooted in logical derivations of Darwinistic theories rather than actual non-biased quantitative studies.

4. The ease of access and anonymity

The internet has made access to porn easier and anonymous. 76% of male respondents mentioned the convenience and anonymity of online pornography as a significant factor in their consumption.

Although this is not a direct reason why men decide to watch porn, it does help to understand why the lack of barriers to actually consuming it facilitates a larger general consumption in the male population. Just like easy access to drugs often is followed by a larger usage in any given population.

5. Lack of sexual satisfaction

Some men turn to porn when they’re dissatisfied with their sexual relationships. Men in sexually unsatisfying relationships were more likely to consume porn.

Please note that it is hard to estimate causality in any study, as a larger porn consumption might also be the cause for men reporting larger degrees of sexually unsatisfying relationships.

When studies use surveys with two subjective measures for both porn consumption and sexual satisfaction in a relationship the logic follows that causality can run both ways, even simultaneously. In other words, watching porn can lead to more sexual dissatisfaction and sexual dissatisfaction can lead to men watching more pron.

6. The learning aspect

Men also use pornography as a source of sexual education. 64% of men self-reported learning about sex from porn.

Albeit, it might not come as a surprise the study also found that this was not only evident in young men, but also older men in long-term relationships.

7. Simplicity of relationships

In porn, women are portrayed as easier to please and less complex than real-life women, providing an illusion of control and satisfaction for men.

8. Predictability of sex

Pornographic sex is more reliable and simpler than real-life sex. It lacks the nuances and intricacies that real-life sex requires, such as understanding the partner’s body and emotional needs, being sensitive to their rhythm, and not focusing solely on the end goal of orgasm.

9. Minimal emotional investment

Unlike in real relationships, porn requires no emotional connection or presence, allowing men to experience a form of intimacy without the emotional investment.

10. Instant gratification

Porn allows men to experience intense feelings quickly, providing an escape from the numbness of daily life. However, the article suggests that these fleeting feelings are less satisfying than what could be achieved through a deep, purposeful life.

11. Endless adventure

The novelty of new sexual partners in porn can cater to the masculine desire for adventure and mystery, which might not be as easily satisfied in a long-term relationship.

12. Disconnection of love and sex

For many men, love and sex are disconnected. This disconnect often begins in adolescence and can persist into adulthood, with porn reinforcing the idea that sexual pleasure doesn’t require emotional connection.

13. Lack of perceived negative consequences

Many men don’t see any negative impact of their porn consumption, particularly if they believe it doesn’t harm anyone. The article suggests that meaningful change is unlikely until men recognize the potential harm porn can cause to their relationships and emotional health.

14. Physical pleasure

Men are visually stimulated and pornography induces a series of pleasurable chemical reactions in the brain and body. This coupled with sexual arousal and the resulting orgasm creates a cycle that can lead to repeated and increased porn use due to its addictive nature. However, this can have many unexpected negative effects.

15. Societal pressure

Society often portrays porn usage as a “guy thing”, suggesting that “real men view porn”. This perception can lead to peer pressure and a false sense of manliness, which can encourage more usage.

16. Male bonding

Men sometimes use viewing pornography as a means of bonding with peers. Though it can help them fit in, it’s not considered healthy bonding as it often leads to objectifying women.

17. Hidden desires

The author suggests that men may use pornography to explore and fulfill sexual fantasies they feel uncomfortable sharing with their partners. The variety of genres available in pornography allows them to vicariously experience these fantasies. The author advises open communication about sexual desires between partners to address any discomfort about pornography use.

18. Secrets are no fun

Some men derive pleasure from the secretive nature of watching pornography, especially when they feel their sexual needs are unmet. This, however, can lead to feelings of inadequacy in their partners. The author emphasizes the importance of communication and understanding in these situations.

19. Enhanced sensory experience

With the rise of technology, men are not only seeking visual stimulation from porn but also a tactile experience that mimics real-life intimacy. Products like the automatic Fleshlight and vibrating masturbator offer a hands-on approach to self-pleasure. The immersive experience of VR sex toys further blurs the line between reality and fantasy, drawing men into a more interactive pornographic experience. Additionally, men with specific physical attributes or insecurities might turn to porn and related products. For those concerned about size, there are sex toys for small penises, thick penis sleeves, and small penis pumps that can enhance their experience and confidence. These tools not only cater to physical needs but also address psychological aspects, making the porn experience more personalized and satisfying.

Sources: Tandforonline, Cambridge University, Libertpub, Oxford Academic

When do you watch too much porn?

While many men consume pornography without any adverse effects, excessive consumption can lead to issues like porn addiction, unrealistic sexual expectations, and relationship problems.

About 5-8% of adults in the U.S. could be diagnosed with compulsive sexual behavior disorder, a large part of which includes problematic pornography use and around 10% get addicted. In these cases porno videos are problematic, but for the majority, it’s not a problem to see porn at all. So like any other thing, too much of it will lead to problems. Porn addiction develops when watching porn is compulsive behavior, and the compulsion becomes uncontrollable.

Porn addiction is typically when you can feel that you “need” to watch it for some reason. Often the person knows that he is addicted to porn but will for a lot of reasons not say it to anyone. The experience is that porn addiction has to be the person who asks for help. It is difficult for other people to know that their friends/partners/family are addicted to pornography.

If you want to know how to treat porn addiction. Then read further down.

Consequences of pornography addiction

The act of watching pornography can lead to heightened arousal due to the increased levels of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure, released during viewing.

This increased dopamine activity has a downside, however, as it can potentially lead to addiction.

The immediate gratification that pornography provides can create a cycle of dependency that might be difficult to break without intervention.

For some men, what starts as a casual interest in porn can develop into a compulsive habit or even an addiction having the following consequences:

  • Porn can make it hard for the viewer to get aroused without it.
  • The viewer might prefer porn over real-life intimacy.
  • Some partners see watching porn as cheating.
  • Partners might feel they can’t compete with porn.
  • Partners might dislike some sexual acts the viewer wants.
  • Both the viewer and partner might feel less close and satisfied.
  • Trust can drop if the viewer lies about watching porn.
  • Too much porn can lead to sadness and performance issues.
  • Porn can give wrong expectations about sex since actors are just following scripts.

The effect on relationships

The detrimental impacts of pornography on relationships can be significant.

Partners may feel devalued, inadequate, or insecure due to their significant other’s consumption of pornography.

This can undermine the emotional intimacy critical for a relationship’s health.

Source: AKJournals

How to treat porn addiction?

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in requests for treatment of porn addiction. This has been marked by a rise in the number of compulsive porn users seeking help at Sexaholics. Porn addiction, like any other addiction, can have detrimental effects on a person’s mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. For many men, recognizing the problem is the first step towards recovery. Here’s a guide on how to address and treat porn addiction in men:

  1. Self-awareness and Acceptance: Before any change can occur, it’s crucial to recognize and accept that there’s an issue. Self-reflection can help in understanding the extent of the problem and its impact on daily life.
  2. Professional Help: Consider seeking therapy or counseling. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been effective in treating porn addiction by helping individuals recognize and change negative patterns of thought and behavior.
  3. Join Support Groups: There are many support groups, both online and offline, where men can share their experiences and challenges. Sharing with others can provide a sense of community and understanding.
  4. Limit Access: Use website blockers or parental controls to restrict access to pornographic sites. This can act as a deterrent and reduce the temptation.
  5. Stay Engaged: Engage in other activities that are fulfilling and can act as a distraction. This can include hobbies, exercise, reading, or spending time with loved ones.
  6. Educate Yourself: Understand the negative impacts of excessive porn consumption, not just on relationships but also on mental health and perceptions of reality.
  7. Reconnect with Partners: If in a relationship, communicate with your partner about the issue. They can provide support and understanding. Consider couples therapy if the addiction has affected the relationship.
  8. Avoid Triggers: Recognize what triggers the urge to watch porn and try to avoid or replace those triggers. This could be boredom, loneliness, stress, or other factors.
  9. Set Clear Goals: Define what success looks like. Whether it’s complete abstinence or controlled consumption, having a clear goal can guide the recovery process.
  10. Stay Positive: Recovery is a journey, and there might be relapses. It’s essential to stay positive, learn from any setbacks, and continue striving for a healthier relationship with sexuality.

Sources: nsfw.tools & rabbitscams.sex